Suzy Batiz: Founder of Poo-Pourri on her ALIVE OS course and designing the life of your dreams.

Suzy Batiz: Founder of Poo-Pourri on her ALIVE OS course and designing the life of your dreams.
Dream Nation Love / Yulia Laricheva

Suzy Batiz is the founder of Poo~Pourri, Supernatural, and ALIVE OS. She is an incredibly inspiring human who’s overcome many obstacles to create her vision. You might have heard her story on other podcasts or read about it in a magazine. Since the story exists on other platforms, on this show, we’re going to focus on ALIVE OS. An 8-week course developed by Suzy showing you how to create the life of your dreams. Think of it as a radical upgrade to your human operating system. Suzy wrote this program and filled it with paradigms, processes, and practices to help you lead a TURNED ON life. From figuring out what resonates with you to make your own ALIVE ideas come true. Helping you propel your dreams into reality. On the podcast, along with speaking about the course, Suzy talks about returning to Poo-Pourri as CEO, manifestation loops, Ayahuasca, raising kids while running a business, alive ideas, and the difference between resonance and dissonance.


Julia Laricheva 0:00 Right. Susie, it's so nice to see you. And I love your little Alive As Shit [neon lights] setup.

Suzy Batiz 0:06 Thank you. It's fun.

Julia Laricheva 0:08 Yeah, I'm in transit. So I'm like, I don't really have a studio because I'm moving around so much. But hopefully, in the summertime, I'm gonna set something up.

Suzy Batiz 0:17 So good. I actually, I brought us all back. I returned to CEO like four months ago and had my offices all redone. And this is my office wall at my office. But the funny thing is, I have a conference room next to my office, but I sit every single day in the conference room, and I never sit here ever. So I had this beautiful background, this gorgeous table desk. And I never sat here. So I thought it’s a good opportunity.

Julia Laricheva 0:46 I love it. Wait, so you're returned to being the CEO, because I just I was reading that you left and you were doing — you were traveling and you were just doing ALIVE OS and you're back.

Suzy Batiz 0:57 I know.

Julia Laricheva 0:57 You can't addicted, you're addicted. You have to.

Suzy Batiz 1:00 Well.. I don’t know. Yes, and. Possibly. You know, I had to return back about four and a half months ago. But it was really — it's really good. It was, it was shocking. You know, I was retired, I was not planning on it. And when I realized I had to return I was like “Oh boy.” I knew I had a choice to either replace the CEO I had or to return back and I am 100% convinced I'm not a good side/passenger driver.

Julia Laricheva 1:32 It's really hard to be a good side/passenger driver.

Suzy Batiz 1:36 It is. It is I'm way better with the steering wheel. So I completely restructured my company redid everything, rewrote every job description and put in KPIs for the first time in my life. It's been really challenging and exciting.

Julia Laricheva 1:52 KPIs are the best though because it's like you have a goal, and you can see it and you're like, these are our KPIs. And if we don't hit them, then we're not hitting our KPIs.

Suzy Batiz 2:01 Yeah, but I've never ran my business that way. It was really fun. It worked for, you know, 14 years without them. But realize there's a time like “Oh, okay, we're big enough. Now, we probably need to get a little more serious here.”

Julia Laricheva 2:14 Yeah. And it's, it's hard to just adjust the gears, right? Because you're in a different mindset. And you already are like “Okay, I'm doing this” and then you're like “Okay, let's shift gears. And let me put on a different hat. And let me get back into this. And let me start working on it on KPIs.”

Suzy Batiz 2:32 Completely. Yeah. I've never, ever used — I don't think I've ever used my left brain so much as I have in the past four and a half months — it is like really exercise. I'm more of a right brained, creative, and it's actually been really fun. It's amazing how much I've learned about my business.

Julia Laricheva 2:50 Yeah, well, you, you know, business is so creative. And I think that's something they don't teach you in school. Like, they teach you the arts, and they teach you theater, and they teach you all this creative stuff. And that's how I came about business too. And you know, and then once you start doing business, you're like, I have a whole new toolset to play with. And it's ultimate creativity because you get to work with creatives, too.

Suzy Batiz 3:11 Yeah, completely. Yeah. It's incredible.

Julia Laricheva 3:15 So I ask every guest “What was your dream as a kid?”

Suzy Batiz 3:20 You know, I grew up in a pretty dysfunctional environment. So I didn't have a lot of truly childhood dreams. Actually, you know, my dream growing up — my plan was to work at the post office or to get a government — like some sort of government job or work at a factory because you make good money, you know. But what I did naturally as a child, which my mentor Gay Hendricks talks about how it gives hints to your zone of genius, is I was always a maker. I always just made things and created things. People call me a creator. You know, like, I love creating and sharing. So I'm in business, not because I love businesses, because I can't stop creating. I just, you know, you know, like, right now, I've been making — I built a sewing factory, my basement, I've been making all these cute little scarves for all my friends and family. And, you know, and they're like, you should do a scarf line, like a clothing line. I'm like “Oh, that sounds like a lot of work.” But right now I'm just making little scarves. They're so cute.

Julia Laricheva 4:18 Yeah, every idea has a new challenge, right? You're — because you get excited about it. And you're like “Yes, I'm gonna make that!” But then you're like “Okay, warehouse storage, distribution.” It just gets into like, another level of difficulty and your time. And, and in a way you kind of built your own factory, right? Like, you built your own factory with Poo-Pourri. So in a weird way it like, your dream kind of came around, but you kind of always want to be a factory owner.

Suzy Batiz 4:46 Yeah, I guess I thought I was going to work in the factory. I thought, you know “Wow, you're really set.” You know if you can get a job in the factory. Which is just absolutely hilarious.

Julia Laricheva 4:56 That's hilarious. So how did you… How did you come around to creating ALIVE OS? Like what moved you to create ALIVE?

Suzy Batiz 5:05 So after my second bankruptcy when I was 38, this was like 2001. Around that I… well it was 1999, I guess. But I was in the stock market crash of 2001. So I went into a really deep depression and started a spiritual sabbatical. Like I went on a spiritual sabbatical for about four years, I decided I'm the worst business person in the world. I don't want anything to do with business at all. And the wonderful part of that journey of being completely flat and what I now call “the luxury of losing everything,” that whenever I lost everything, I was able to really see what I was up to and start this really inside journey within myself and I became happy for the first time in my life. And I had no external, you know — I didn't have a car, or, you know, my cars got repossessed, my house got repossessed, so I didn't have any of the material, things that we contribute to success. But I knew where abundance was inside. I knew that was an internal state of you know, vibration. That it was an energy. And I wrote a course 15 years ago, called Ins — is pretty much 16 years ago now called — “Inside Out: How to create a life you desire by going within.” And it was all based on this book called the "Game Of Life and How To Play It" by Florence Scovel Shinn, she was this amazing metaphysician that taught metaphysics in her basement in 1900, and self-published a book. Like rad woman, right? Imagine a 1900s. Yeah, 120 years ago. She's teaching this metaphysics class in her basement, about how basically how to manifest, how reality works. So I wrote this course and had five women in it. And then what happened was, nobody finished the course, you know, everybody kind of petered off, and I didn't even finish writing it. And I was like “Oh, I haven't created external success, the way people think.” I'm talking about abundance, but I just filed bankruptcy, right? So of course, as things would be a few months later, I had the idea for Poo-Pourri. And I have been on this tangent for, you know, 14 years, and which has been such a blessing. So about three years ago, I had an astrology reading. And this astrologer said “You did something 13 years ago, the world wasn't ready for and they're ready for it now.” I was like “Really?” And she was “Yeah.” And I looked down and my ex-husband had just brought this old binder that he found in some of our, you know, stuff from the attic. And my assistant had put it on my desk, and I looked down and I went “I wrote this course, like 13 years ago.” And she goes “Yeah, you know, you're gonna be teaching about money and abundance and energy.” I was like “Oh, my God, like I wrote this.” So anyway, that went away, you know, that went in my mind for a few months. And one of my coaches at the time was JP Sears. And he asked me a question, and he said, there's a quote from Joseph Campbell “The cave you fear holds the treasure you seek.” So the cave you fear holds the treasure you seek. And he said “What is in your cave of fear that so scary that you can't even utter the words?” Like “What is that dream that's so big, that you thought was absolutely impossible?” And I couldn't even hardly say it. I was not crying. And I said that “I'm a global spiritual leader.” And I still get a little “Oooh” with that. And anyway, I get through that process. And he's like “So what are you going to do? You know, what's your first action step?” And I looked at this binder, and I was like “I'm going to rewrite this course that I wrote 13 or 14 years ago then.”And so I asked 25 women here in Dallas, if they would be my accountability partners, and I said, I'll deliver a course every two weeks. All right, eight courses? And would you be willing to go through this, and be you know, just listen to whatever I write every two weeks, so they did it. And it was incredible. everybody's lives changed. And hmmm… I still didn't — that was like November of 2019. And I still didn't do anything with it. It's still like, okay, the holidays, the New Year, I still wasn't motivated. And then about April, people were having such a hard time during the pandemic, that one of my friends said ”Listen, like you've got this amazing course, it changed our lives. And women especially need to be hearing this right now. So will you take it online?” And that was the first time I taught it was in April of last year, April 2020. So I took it online. gave a lot of scholarships, probably half our class was to black women. And it's just been incredible. So I've taught hundreds of students since. I think I've taught it five times. I wrote an ALIVE abundance course. And the next few months, I'm running ALIVE business. So I'm tackling all kinds of areas, as a long story. But it's interesting to see the manifest — what we call manifestation or the “actualization” I like that word better, or the actualization of how the course came to be.

Julia Laricheva 10:21 Right? You know, like, sometimes things make more sense when you start writing them out on a timeline. Like, if I'm not sure about, like my story or something, I'll just write a timeline, and then I'll see things in it that like I didn't even realize I saw. And it's so interesting to like, just create timelines and just go “Oh, okay, so that how that that fits into it.” And I'm really big into astrology too. I, I helped launch this app, it's called The Daily Hunch. And they use like all your transits. It's a custom astrology thing. And it's like, it's I'm really into astrology, like I'm that passionate about astrology. And I think astrology also shapes who we are. And I think if people are into astrology, they're going to be open a little bit more to manifesting because I try to explain manifestation to a lot of different people. And sometimes some look at me, like, I'm completely nuts, but others are like “Oh, yeah, I totally get it. I'm a manifester. Like, I understand that.” So, it's really interesting to help people understand this concept and help people understand energy and flow, and what it's like to live as a three dimensional human in this plane. Because I think a lot of people go through their life not connected to anything, and they're asleep. You know, so it's, it's hard to, to kind of like wake them up. And I think this is the perfect way to get them to start thinking about, like, how much bigger can their life be?

Suzy Batiz 11:50 So and I think sometimes the others — the whole thing, like, you know, they're asleep. And I think at various times, we all have parts of ourselves that are asleep, you know, we're all multi-dimensional beings. You know, like, I may have a part of me that's asleep, I'm not in a relationship right now, you know, so that's pretty dormant and kind of asleep, and I didn't romantic relationship, you know, but my business, you know, is actually pretty awake, or my spirituality, or my spiritual practice is pretty awake. Or sometimes, like my meditation right now has been a little "weh," you know, did a lot of medicine journeys last year, and I've been trying to get my meditation back. So I think we have varying levels of asleep and awake, you know? And it's like, Yeah, what, what made me awake right now?

Julia Laricheva 12:30 Well, it's also the amount of energy you can put into it, right? Because your business may be taking away more energy. And a piece of that energy can be put towards relationships. But since you're not putting that energy into relationships, then they're no relationships coming up. Because the universe is not getting the signal that you want a relationship. Because to the universe, you look like you're busy, and you don't want it. So, I think all those things are so interesting. And I was gonna ask you, if you remember your very first ALIVE moment, right? Speaking of waking up, and like, feeling alive?

Suzy Batiz 13:07 Well, I, you know, the hindsight is always 2020. Right? So what I do remember, and one of the things that really was the catalyst for this work. You know, while I wrote that I knew that abundance and ALIVE; actually in my course ALIVE actually stands for Abundance Lives In a Vibration of Energy. I knew where it dwells within a being, I knew that it's a state of being within oneself, but I didn't actually understand what it feels like when this evolutionary impulse comes in to your being when that cosmic, you know, Big Bang. And that happened when the idea for Poo-Pourri came about. I didn't quite understand it at the time, but I remember somebody said, like “Hey, can bathroom odor be trapped?” We were in a small house with a, you know, big family. And I remember like this little zing up my arm and it's like the room kind of went high def and I completely saw, I worked with essential oils, oil, floats on water, and I looked and I go “I can do this.” They're like “What are you talking about?” Like it was that moment of just like — I've been plugged into a light socket. I absolutely saw it all. I knew I could do it. It took me nine months in the actual world. But looking back now what I teach about going towards ALIVE ideas are things that turned us on, I can go back and go oh “That's what that was. Right.” And prior to that, I'm sure that I had those moments of insight and before, but one of my teachers, she's passed away now. She was one of my mentors — Barbara Marx Hubbard, used to say that these impulses within us are actually evolutionary impulses. They are evolution itself, telling us exactly what it needs in order to evolve . Isn’t that radical?

Julia Laricheva 15:07 I love that. It's also like a level of survival that you want to live at, right? Do you want to survive? Or do you want to, like survive and thrive? Right? It's like, what level of survival will you be comfortable with? Like, what will it take for you to survive? You know, it's an, I like to think it's also like my future self kind of guiding me. I wrote letters to myself when I was younger. And I wonder if you did anything like that when you were younger? Like if you feel like you have a higher self guiding you towards your goals in a way like you speaking to you from the future?

Suzy Batiz 15:41 Yeah, you know, I'll tell you, I went through astrologically speaking, I had no idea. This is strong, I've never been into astrology really. I'm tell all these astrology stories, but I sort of roll my eyes. They're like “Oh, your 12th house and your 10th house on like… Oh my God.” You know, I remember a shaman down in Peru telling me like 13 years ago, the more complicated it is, the further it is from love. So I've always tried to keep my life pretty simple, right? And this sometimes all the houses and they're on my “Oh, Lord.”But she did tell me that this year, I guess, my Pluto's in transit. And they call it Hades, where you face your actually deepest, darkest fears. So I've been going through that this year. And it has been beyond intense, the most intense time I've had in 20 years. But what I've been realizing is that I'm not even sure about even the word manifesting anymore, I have been more in a place of surrender and watching, I'm not even sure if I'm being guided by a higher purpose, or my own evolutionary impulse or something within me. It's almost like all of that belief that I really, really held so tightly has started unwinding this year. So I don't know if I'm guided by a higher purpose. I don't know. I do like to believe that there is a God. And that is my personal belief. I do actually know it's true. Of course, I don't know if it's true, nobody knows if it's true. So really just been, as I've been down in Hades this year, just really looking at so many structures that I had, that I absolutely thought were true. I'm not even sure I've manifested anything. And I don't even use those words anymore. You know, what I do know is that created a lot of spaciousness in my being. And that spaciousness that I keep creating, things seem to fill it. So we could call that manifestation, but very little of what I've actually wanted, has come in to be, and I actually think we can limit ourselves with manifestation. And trust me, I've been out there talking manifestation for the past, you know, at least five, six years, and on a personal level for probably a good 20. And now I'm rewinding all of that going “Why would you even want to limit yourself with some sort of manifestation? Why wouldn't you be open to and being curious to what life has to deliver? Right?” And, yeah, so it's really fun this year?

Julia Laricheva 18:17 I think so you know, I think once you put it into, like, your heart space that you want something, the universe is going to deliver something even bigger than you imagined. But I think it's just wanting it to begin with, and then kind of like, putting it away and just going okay, like "That'll be nice." And like, let me just focus on my thing, and see what see what the universe will bring. Because I think your imagination is nothing compared to what the universe hasn't started sometimes, for better or for worse.

Suzy Batiz 18:47 YAnd again, I don't even know what I want. Like, why would I even think about what I want. It's like, you know what I want? "What I'm given." So it's really funny. So I was in the camp of Byron Katie. 18 years ago. Do you know Byron Katie?

Julia Laricheva 19:01 Uh huh.

Suzy Batiz 19:02 Her ideas? Okay. So I was in her camp for that for my four-year sabbatical. And I was so loving what is and surrendering and being open and curious. I have spent 18 years and I'm back where I was 18. I went through testing or trust me, I really, I would bet you a lot of money that no one's done more personal development workshops. You know, I've done over 150 hallucinogenic journeys. Like I have you explored this shit, okay. I'm not, I haven't been sitting back being passive, like anybody that knows me knows, like, I've done a lot of work. And now I'm like, for what? I really back when I was 18 years ago, going "Everything's perfect. It's great."

Julia Laricheva 19:47 Well, write down… Like, eventually, like five years down the line, right? When you start making those linear things, you'll be like “Ah, this is what it was all about. Right? Aha okay, this is where it's going.”

Suzy Batiz 19:58 So it all works out.

Julia Laricheva 19:59 It all works out. I was going to say, so have you thought about implementing KPIs in your personal life?

Suzy Batiz 20:06 Yeah, noooo, I'm not even interested. You know, I just… Ugh, like I said, it's been more like, I've been more of a place of surrender and curious, and I've been in many, many, many years. Just kind of like, I don't know, where, let's see, maybe, maybe people always ask me, like, you know, does I went to this lunch, about a month ago, and these this game designer, and we were talking about, you know, is this life a simulation? I'm like, maybe? And they're like, Well, you know, do you believe in a creator? And like, maybe, and I do everyday? And? I don't know, I'm back to I don't know anymore. It's an awesome place to be internally, within me, it frustrates everyone else. But I'm a little like, I don't know anymore. It's really kind of, I feel free, if that makes sense.

Julia Laricheva 20:56 No, it does. You know, I always think that deja vu is some kind of a glitch in the matrix. Like, if it's a simulation, maybe the deja vu is like “Oh, you've been here before you've done this before you're on the right path.” So I try to look at deja vu is like, okay, that there's a glitch in the system. And like, maybe it's a reminder of the matrix, but I was gonna ask you what has been your favorite? What is your favorite drug experience? I love drug experiences as well. So I you know, I think a lot more people should be open to them. Because I mean, now everything is coming to light, right? MDMA research. They're even working on LSD, mushroom therapy, and things or in the last 10 years, things have been so much more open. You know, I Ayahuasca retreats are now popular, where like, 10 years ago, you couldn't talk about this stuff. It was like so taboo.

Julia Laricheva 12:38 At the end of the day, it’s cat tranquilizer, right?

Suzy Batiz 22:43 Yeah. Yeah. So it is really good. I was working on attachment. Like an anxious attachment. It did solve that issue, but I think it had other repercussions. So I'm a fan of any of the naturals, you know, like Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Sassafrass. Anything that is grown of the earth. I'm way more a fan of and, and again, honestly, just last night, you always people were talking about Ayahuasca and I'm like, you know, I just don't know if I'll ever do any another hallucinogenic journey. As long as I live, I feel good. So again, I don’t know.

Julia Laricheva 23:23 Well, you know, if you have to approach it from a point of like, trying to download information, right? You kind of can't go into it, just like, just as you are, because you're not going to get that much out of it. So it has to be a place where you're really trying to find answers.

Suzy Batiz 23:39 Right.

Julia Laricheva 23:40 And, and I think it's always, it's always interesting what you can discover about yourself and what the plants can teach you. What nature can teach you and like what insight you can and again, it's going back to energy work, right? It's the energy of the universe moving through the earth, and moving through the planets, moving through you, and everything is like one and you kind of tap and it's I kind of call it like going online, right? It's like a different form of an internet. You can come in and you can you have to be ready for the journey. And you just come out with a little bit more information hopefully then than you had before. But I don't think you can just you know, go into it just just fooling around because it's serious stuff. It's very powerful, powerful medicine.

Suzy Batiz 24:28 Yeah, I do believe that there's a lot to be said for opening up space. You know, most of us have filled and filled and filled and you think about Ayahuasca to purge it of you know, you're literally puking up these energies, supposedly, and, but what it does create some space which is really nice. So it is a they are wonderful, I think to stop and kind of expand your consciousness into something much bigger than you

Julia Laricheva 25:01 And you know, you keep on mentioning the word space too, and it makes me think of the goldfish idea, right? You are only going to be as large as a goldfish as like the bowl that you're put in. Right. So if you're in a small bowl, it's gonna be a small bowl for the whole entire life. But if they put you into a big bowl, you're gonna, you're gonna get a little bigger, and you're going to expand and in a way. It's, I like to think about, like, you know, what bowl will fit you? What bowl will you be happy with? And how can you find that bowl? And how can you, how can you create your own bowl?

Suzy Batiz 25:34 Who’s determining the size of bowl?

Julia Laricheva 25:43 Right?

Suzy Batiz 25:36 I remember I did one Ayahuasca journey, and I came out and I was like, “I'm gonna open a company called “What box?” They were like “What?” I go “Yeah.” People always say think outside the box. I'm always like “What box?” Like, “Where's the… who made the box? Where's the box? Where's the bowl? Where is that bowl? Show me.”

Julia Laricheva 25:55 We say what is it? “Squaring the circle.”Squaring the circle, thinking outside the box? Is it's all these metaphorical things we use. But if you're right, you're totally right. And, you know, speaking of inside the box, and outside the box. You know… how does one manifest the life they desire through energy work? Like, you know, how do you manifest this bowl? How do you manifest being a fish? Can you manifest being something else?

Suzy Batiz 26:23 Not sure that you can again, like I said, I'm not sure. I don't know what, what my practice has been lately is the opposite of manifestation. It's the opposite of what most manifesting teachers, you know, most, most of the times you're taught to want this and then you think positive, and you're going to vibrate and be aligned with that. I'm not sure if that's true anymore. Abraham Hicks is going to come and knock me over the head. What I do believe, is that... What I am saying when I believe... what my experiences is... The more I clear internally and create more peace -- this is the better way of saying it within myself -- the more things seem externally to come. So it's the opposite. Because what happens is, when you really think about it, I'm just, I'm just trying to call game on the whole manifesting, manifesting. Because think about this, think about this, I want a million dollars, right? Or a million dollars. What that actually does is in a wild way, it rootes the fact that you don't have a million dollars, right? And they say, Oh, well, you know, you need to really feel a million dollars. Well, you can't feel it, because you've never had it, you can try to imagine what you think it feels like. And so all of this, to me is a lot of work the way I would I preferred to work in the past few years, as let me just keep clearing space within myself. Let me -- anytime I feel like a feeling or emotion I want to kind of be like ”Ooh, what's that?” Ooh, you know, I go into that, I feel that and then that sort of like it's resolved. And then what happens is things start coming in. And I'm like, well, that's cool. Now the trick is, I don't believe you can do that in order to get it because then you're in the same manifestation loop, like, I'm going to clear, so I can have a lot of good shit in my life. Right? Now you're back in the lock again. So it's a really tricky, kind of interesting ninja move. Can I be okay with what is? And can I fully surrender to this moment? And then can I be open to whatever life has to deliver me good, bad, what we label is good or bad, right? And then can I just be present within that experience? And my 100%, you know, track record experiences, I'm blown away by what a life keeps offering that I could have never even conceived within my rational mind.

Julia Laricheva 29:19 Right? It's so interesting. I think about that, too. And I think about every time I do a jump in my career, and whatever I'm building, you know, I try to just spend some time just thinking and clearing space and thinking about what, what I need to eliminate in order to get to the next level. Right? Like, how, how do you like to clear everything? Like, do you have a... Do you have a way to do it? Do just sit there and you're just like ”Okay, this is this is what I'm doing right now? I'm clearing it.” Do you make a list? Like what is your method for clearing?

Suzy Batiz 29:53 Yeah, I think again, it's about being present in the moment. You know, it's like, yeah, right now yeah. If I were looking at clearing [undesipherable], I don't want tension in my jaw, right? That tells me and studying body intelligence that there's some anger. And I'd be like, oh, angry what are you angry about? Those guys you see, that just kind of go into that, like, can I express anger? And can I feel this anger that's present within my body. Or, you know, if I feel a couple of days ago, I had this real big feeling of humiliation, you know, it was just like, I'm so humiliated. And I literally just sat and felt that, like, I'm feeling my belly right now. Felt humiliation, and then I just really got to love, you know, I got to see, when I was a little girl, and, you know, it was just like 'Oh, my God, the one that actually thinks she could do something wrong." And you know, but I just, it whatever arises in the moment, I don't really think now. And there are some things that had been a little more difficult for me to clear on my own. And that's when I reach out to, you know, like my mentor, Gay Hendricks or a therapist, and I kind of go, you know, it's been three days, I haven't been able to clear this energy, I still keep feeling this feeling. So you know, there's some protective mechanisms around me that's not wanting to feel it. So I use them as a spotter, to kind of go, I need to go in here where you kind of hold space, because there's something pretty gnarly. And here, it feels like you know, it never is, but it can feel that way.

Julia Laricheva 31:33 That's interesting. You know, I never thought about going to someone to help with clearing. But like, that totally makes sense, right? Like, if your car has a check engine on you take it into a shop. So this is it's really brilliant. And it's really nice to hear that, you know, coming from you. What else I was going to ask you? You know, like, one question I have, which I didn't even write down is… you built such a huge business with three children, two children, or three children, I forget it.

Suzy Batiz 32:02 Yeah, you know, I'll tell you, I'll answer that question with the story. So I have a senior VP of creative here. She's incredible. She's, you know, just she's been with me, I think eight or nine years. She's in her 30s. And when she had her first baby, two and a half years ago, she told me she was she, you know, she took her maternity leave. And she said, she's ready to come back to work. And I said “No, don't come back to work.” And she said “I want to” and I said “You know, one of my biggest regrets is not being home with my children.” So and I said “You know, I don't believe in the I don't remember that… Sheryl Sandberg, I don't remember, I don't believe Lean In, I don't believe you can have it all. You can't have it all, something is going to sacrifice.” So one of my deepest regrets is that I wasn't in a position where I could spend more time with my children. And the compromise I made for her, she could come back to work if we gave her a big office and put a nanny in there. So yeah, I know we can't do it now. We tried to do it for a few more people afterwards. And there's all kinds of HR laws where you have to be a daycare, it's it got you know, our naivety, let us do it for a year, which was really amazing. You know, the baby's name is Lucy and I was in every meeting holding her. So she was really birthed in a community. But that was a very abnormal environment. So I sacrificed a lot of time with my children that I would trade back all the money I have to have that time back again. That's the real answer.

Julia Laricheva 34:09 I just wanted to give you a hug right now. I want to give YOU a hug. I want to give you a hug. Yeah, it's just trying to figure things out right? and trying to like, it's like, where do you put your energy? Right? Where do you…?

Suzy Batiz 34:24 What's my priorities? Yeah. What are my priorities? Yes. You know, what pretty screwed up priorities. I really thought that success in business and me being successful, was the most important thing to me. And when I look back now, it's like “Girl, you had those priorities all screwed up, like completely screwed up.” And it seemed me like worked out. Well. You know, my children are happy, but I live with the regret of the trade offs. And you know, I had to trade off. I don't believe you can have it all.

Julia Laricheva 35:00 I don't think you can have it all either. And I think it's, um, I think, again, it goes back to survival mode, right? Like, I'm sure at that time you were in survival mode, and you're like “I'm building something for my children, so they don't have to be how I was.” You know, like, I'm sure it all goes back to like,

Suzy Batiz 35:15 Yup

Julia Laricheva 35:16 All of that. And it's, it's this is what we have to deal with all the time.

Suzy Batiz 35:23 And none of my kids are interested in money at all.

Julia Laricheva 35:27 Because they grew up they're all growing up with it.

Suzy Batiz 35:29 They're all, they're all artists. They're just like "I dont even want money." You know, my older son's into Crypto. He ran all the Bitcoin meetings here in Dallas because he thinks we need a new financial system. He will not invest in anything that doesn't forward the movement of Blockchain technology. Even if he can make money. He's just fabulous. M daughter is an artist. My other son is an inventor. Just making stuff. None of them are really interested. Which is really fasc – I love it. I'm like "Yah, keep doing that."

Julia Laricheva 36:00 But they're going to come into whatever they're doing. And, you know, like, it's all gonna work out in the end. You know, and it's, it's interesting, because I see that divide between my friends and myself. You know, I have a story similar to yours. Grew up with I'm a Russian immigrant. I came here with 100 bucks in a suitcase when I was ten with my mom. You know, so it's like... So it's, it's about like this generation, achieving and then doing things. So it's like... How... It's a voluntary discussion altogether. It's like, I won't even go into it, but it's how the drive that you have came from where you were. You know, if you if you had something, if you were born into something else, you'll be like "I'm doing Crypto."

Suzy Batiz 36:40 This is what, This is what. I gonna paint. I'm going to paint.

Julia Laricheva 36:44 You know what, she just needs to get into the Gagosian gallery. And that's it, and she'll be all set. And like, she'll, she'll paint her way through her life, and it's gonna be wonderful. But you know, speaking about, like resonance and dissonance. How does one use resonance and dissonance to transform their reality? We talked about staying away from things that you dislike, and drawing towards things that you like, and again, you know, like, your children are resonating with art. Clearly, this disonancing from money, but but they're still young, who knows? You know, who knows. And the NFT's man, NFT's.

Suzy Batiz 37:26 I don't even... I still don't understand it. I'm like "So there's nothing that I buy and I still have nothing.." Like "Yeah." I'm like "Okay, well, if I buy a piece of NFT art, I... you own it?" "I do." "Yup." "Okay, where is it?" "Well, it's on the internet." "Okay. But what do I do if I want to show somebody that?" "Well, you could projected upon a wall." I'm like "Me, I'm sorry." But if we got a little bit of the Emperor's New Clothes thing going on here, which is pretty fascinating. Um, you know, again, just energy. It's like, Oh, I'm just gonna believe the story. That's not true. Okay." Give me something like —

Julia Laricheva 38:02 But that's what, that's what life is right? Money is a story that is not true. Like, we all chose to believe that money is a thing, before we were trading shells and salt. And now —

Suzy Batiz 38:13 Exactly!

Julia Laricheva 38:13 And now we're like "light."

Suzy Batiz 38:13 You want some of my light? I've got some, I've got a million dollar light, you don't say.

Julia Laricheva 38:21 You've got a billion dollar light Suzy. And you're shining? Yeah. And you know, you're shining in two corners of the universe, they need it because there are lots of girls. And there are lots of boys. And there are lots of everyone else between boys and girls, you know, who need this light and who might be listening and who were in your shoes when when you were little, and they're just looking for a light. They're looking for a light, so they can turn on their light, and they're trying to escape. They're trying to escape that scary place. You need to be like a little beacon, shining your light so they can find you and they can come ALIVE. So this is —.

Suzy Batiz 43:47 Yeah. So speaking of that. Resonance and dissonance, so I called Dr. Bruce Lipton. Gosh I don't know the words, 2017 are coming up. That's probably true. In 2017, and I said "Heey, I have this theory that ideas are alive. Are they ALIVE?" He said "Why do you ask?" And I said "Well I have this theory that ideas are alive. The ideas that seem to turn me on, seem to work out. The one I create with my left brain, logic, like "Oh there's not a dry cleaner on this corner." It makes sense for a dry cleaner here. They just never work out. And umm, I'm just curious about that. I just wonder if ideas are ALIVE since he's a cellular biologist. And he said "Every living thing is a vibration." So everything is a vibration. Everything down to an atom is a vibration of energy. Then he said "Every living thing is seeking more life-force energy." So we are going to be naturally drawn — When you look at a cell under a microscope. It's around looking for more energy. It's within our nature to look for more energy. And then he explained to be resonance and dissonance. And resonance is when you take two energies — and he said this could help you explain what's going on. When you take two energies waves that are the same pattern and same wave length, so they're the same. You put those two together, they equal a bigger pattern than either of them do a part. So it's not 1+1=2, it's 1+1=3, 4, 5, 6. Depending upon the level of resonance. Okay. Then he said dissonance is the opposite. It's when you have two energy waves that are completely different. One is like this. It's not like one is good and one is bad. Or those people are toxic, or whatever. These horrible words we throw out to people. But when they are just different, you are not on the same wavelength. You're not on the same energetic pattern, those two together create less energy together than they do apart. Now check that out. So both those together equal less energy than just one of them do by itself. So he says like noise cancelling headphones. You put noise canceling headphones on and what they do is actually those two negatives — I mean those two cancel each other out and create no energy. Where you can't hear any sound. So... What I realized is — is that the things and — I tried to keep myself in two places of resonance. Things are actually turning me on. And move away from things that are dissonant and dragging me down. And I know that energically. For example I've had a lot of company this week. And it's getting to where I need some alone time. It's starting to become dissonant for me. It was really exciting, I had a great social life this week. And now I'm like coming into my like "Ok I need to get myself into a better state of resonance, because it's becoming dissonant now." This person is still wanting to you know, stay with me, company, and go out and see things. And I'm in a pattern, right now my energetic pattern is "I'm tired, I need rest, I need solitude." So it's just different. It's not that one person is good, and another person is bad. It's just dissonant right now and maybe resonant in another time. So one of the things that we do in ALIVE OS is we do clear a lot of the clutter. We talk about a lot of that intention integrity and we start learning about resonance and dissonance. And we also enter the "cave of fear." But we start looking at those things that are dissonant, that are dragging us down energetically. And energetically it's like draining your bank account every single time. It doesn't light you up. So you are literally getting less energy than you had before, or being at a neutral state. So drop some of that stuff, as we start really focusing on little more on the things that are resonant. And we start turning towards. And once we start turning towards we start being actually lit up, and we get more energy and life force, and life goes on. So I think we are masters in Western Civilization at trying to do self-care so we can try to patch the vast ammounts of dissonance we have in our lives. And try to make it OK. You know, and really the truth is that this is not turning you on. It's actually depleting your life force energy and all of the sudden we end up with a disease and we go "What happened?" Well what happned is that you have been draining your life force energy this entire time. So.

Julia Laricheva 43:55 It's so true. And it's in it's Thursday, and it's four o'clock, and I'm like, I'm very cognizant of our time, too. So I have one more question left for you. You know "What is your dream as an adult?" Now that you're grown up?

Suzy Batiz 44:11 Really, the only dream that I kind of have is "Can I be a curious observer?" Like "Can I be fully expressed in the moment?" No matter what's I think someone wants to hear, can I be fully expressed? And can I just be present to what, what's up right now in this moment, and be authentic with that. If I can live the rest of my life like that? I'm gonna be really happy.

Julia Laricheva 44:43 It's a beautiful dream. I think you're doing it you know, like, every everything you do is towards it. So I'm excited to see what you guys are going to be doing at Poo-Pourri I know there were some there was a Superbowl ad this year, right? There was? Last year?

Suzy Batiz 45:00 No, no, no, no, no, no, we haven't done Super Bowl ad ever. And we a Super Bowl campaign, but not yet a Super Bowl campaign. That's what? Yeah, we have a big campaign coming out in January, which should be fun and shake some things up. So we got a lot of fun things brewing over here.

Julia Laricheva 45:16 Awesome. Well, I'm glad that you're back in the, you're back at it .

Suzy Batiz 45:20 Back in the saddle.

Julia Laricheva 45:21 You're back in the saddle. And I'm super excited about the course i'm going to share all the info on the October 1 podcast and I can't wait for more people to find out about resonance and dissonance and all this wonderful stuff. And I'm also a huge fan of Tesla. And he's got a wonderful quote that I live by that says "If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think

Suzy Batiz 45:43 Think in terms...

Julia Laricheva 45:44 In terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Suzy Batiz 45:47 That's it.

Julia Laricheva 45:48 I love Tesla. He's like my dream man. He's, he's, he's amazing. But I'm excited to see how ALIVE OS was grows throughout the years. And I'm so happy that you're doing this.

Suzy Batiz 46:00 And we'll see. Yeah, well, thank you so much. It was so fun. I appreciate it.

Julia Laricheva 46:04 Yeah, thank you for making the time. I appreciate it too Suzy. Have a good day.

Suzy Batiz 46:0 Bye Bye.

Julia Laricheva 46:08 Bye.