Chaske Spencer: Actor and Producer.

Chaske Spencer: Actor and Producer.
Dream Nation Love / Yulia Laricheva

Chaske Spencer is an American Actor and Producer. He’s known for his role as Sam Uley in Twilight. Recently he starred in Woman Walks Ahead alongside Jessica Chastain, Michael Greyeyes, and Sam Rockwell. Chaske is in a new film produced by Jesse Eisenberg called Wild Indian. It’s written and directed by Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr and features Michael Greyeyes, Kate Bosworth, and Scott Haze.

On the podcast, we chat about dreams, acting, and keeping your imagination open. Chaske shares his actor journey and the movies that left an impression on him growing up. Scorsese’s The Color of Money had a huge impact on him at the age of fourteen. 

Scorsese is known for his amazing soundtracks and this led us to a great music discussion. We're both really into music and this episode ended up being a dialogue about music and acting. Chaske shares how he uses music to prepare for a scene and stay in character while on-set. He also shares what he's listening to on Spotify.

Chaske shares an intimate look into his acting process. He talks a lot about the details and how he approaches reading his scripts. We spoke about crafting characters and making strong choices. Chaske also emphasized the roles perseverance, empathy, and discipline play in his daily life. We wrap the show by talking about confidence and finding your inner Tom Cruise.