Daniele Bolelli: Author, Martial Artist, Host of the History on Fire Podcast.

Daniele Bolelli: Author, Martial Artist, Host of the History on Fire Podcast.
Dream Nation Love / Yulia Laricheva

Daniele is an author, college professor, historian, martial artist, and host of the “History on Fire” podcast. As a huge history fan, I love Daniele’s show since it’s mostly about heroes, warriors, and leadership. Our conversation is focused on how we can become the best versions of ourselves. We talk about how to live a heroic life, bravery, wisdom, passion, discuss larger than life characters (like Crazy Horse, Jack Johnson, and the Pirate Queen) and more. This podcast is about overcoming adversity. As a historian we also touched upon how women have been left out of the pages of history books. In the words of Crazy Horse "Hokahey." Enjoy the podcast.