Dream Nation Love

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Benita Conde: Life Coach and Founder of Create Radical Love.

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Benita Conde: Life Coach and Founder of Create Radical Love. Dream Nation Love / Yulia Laricheva

On this episode Benita Conde shares her advice on how to live your dream. Benita is the founder of Create Radical Love, a life coaching and consulting approach for people who want to radically love their whole life experience, not just the compartmentalized parts of it. We talk about focusing your energy, following what gives you chills, and how to do only the things that you love. We also discuss about low vibrations and high vibrations ( a personal favorite of mine). Benita is an advertising industry expert with close to 20 years of experience supporting and guiding the careers of creative people. She held leadership roles in resource management, project management, recruiting and talent development at agencies such as Fallon NY, BBH NY and Anomaly NY and led creative recruiting for North America at the global executive placement firm, The Talent Business. She works with individuals globally as a holistic coach. Guiding each client to lead with intuition, define a calling, and take action from that aligned place across all aspects of their life experience.

Benita has been through the coaching process as a client, has just completed the year long, Tier 1 Civilization Upgraders leadership training program led by Bentinho Massaro and has been sober for 12 years. Benita’s first professional role was that of classical ballet dancer in NYC. She brings that discipline, devotion and her love for choreographic movement, creative collaboration and creative passion into all that she does. There is nothing that lights her up more than to see people step into their true excitements, their true freedom, and watch them wake up to what is infinitely possible for them and their businesses.