Andrea Berry: Founder of Fluidity Love and former CTO of Huff Post.

Andrea Berry: Founder of Fluidity Love and former CTO of Huff Post.
Dream Nation Love / Yulia Laricheva

This episode is all about gender fluidity, love, fundraising, and overcoming fear. Andrea Berry launched a new website called Fluidity.Love - a company distributing narratives for people who like her, are gender fluid.

You might know Berry as the former chief technical officer of Huffington Post. After HuffPo sold to AOL in 2011, Berry went on to found RebelMouse. A platform helping media companies and brands reach their target communities through social media. They’ve raised over $23 million from investors.

Previously he built and before that was CTO of CharterMac a real estate finance company that was market cap 4.5 billion at the time.

Paul was VP, Internet for Palo Alto Software where he built and the ecommerce business of Most importantly, Paul was a co founder of

We also filmed this interview through Facebook Live. You can watch it at