Ariele Rosch: Creative, Art Director, Founder of Pro Mama.

Ariele Rosch: Creative, Art Director, Founder of Pro Mama.
Dream Nation Love / Yulia Laricheva

Ariele Rosch founded Pro Mama with Jessica Gaffney. Their mission is to connect Mamas to job opportunities that appeal to every aspect of their lives.

Before launching Pro Mama, Ariele worked as an Art Director in the fast-paced world of advertising. After having her child, she realized that Mamas need work options so they can have it all. What ever "having it all" may mean to each Mama. All Mamas are different and the concept for Pro Mama was born. 

On the podcast we talk about how to launch an MVP, how Mamas need flexible work options, how Mamas can advocate for themselves at work, how companies can help their employees develop empathy at work, and how advertising makes you resilient.